what is it lights? where does it come from ?what does light have to do with color ?
lights what is it? where does it come from ?what does light have to do with color ? life is a kind of energy that travels in waves it is made when matter is heated up or gains energy excess energy is released in part as light energy is called electromagnetic radiation. when we talk about light we usually mean visible light which is the light that we can see with our eyes but there are more types of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to us putting radio waves microwaves X-rays and gamma-rays. scientists can detect and measure invisible radiation with special tools because there was visible light all these types of radiation are called the electromagnetic spectrum all electromagnetic radiation travels in waves but different types have different wavelength the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation or light is connected to how much energy it has light with a longer wavelength like a radio wave has less energy while light with a shorter wavelength like galler...